
Advance Gold has a 100% interest in the Tabasquena Silver Mine and Venaditas polymetalic project in Zacatecas, Mexico. At the Tabasquena project, Advance Gold has drilled 23 holes, that returned widespread gold and silver mineralization from anomalous to high-grade. Management believes that there is a feeder system at depth causing this widespread mineralization. To better understand this system and its depth potential it plans to do more geophysics, mapping and petrographic studies prior to additional drilling. The state of Zacatecas is the most important silver mining districts worldwide with approximately 10% of all silver ever produced worldwide came from the state. Advance Gold's projects are in the heart of this impressive silver belt.

  • In the shadows of a headframe project, the Real de Milagros Silver Mine, shares same geological feature as Tabasquena.
  • Tabasquena had historical silver production at the end of 20th century.
  • Zacatecas and surrounding states contain some of the most important silver belts worldwide.
  • Recently built headframe with 100 metre shaft and underground workings.
  • Fully permitted for mining operations including explosives and tailings permits.
  • Open along strike to the north and south, only a small portion of known veins explored.
  • Tabasquena vein outcrops at surface for 2km, only approximately 70 metres of strike drilled near shaft and no drilling below 100 metres on epithermal vein;
  • La Nina vein, parallel to Tabasquena, also outcrops over nearly same distance.
  • Tabasquena and La Nina meet to the north of the headframe, this structural intersection is a key location for future exploration;
  • Entire project has yet to go through extensive exploration for additional veins.
  • Paved road access, electrical power through the project and to the headframe.